Tuesday, October 31, 2023

My New Novel, Book of Shadows, Out on Halloween to Haunt!


I'm so excited about this release on Amazon in eBook and paperback! Here is the first novel in a four-book series that features Kaiti Rogers and Lily-the-Cat from the long short story, "Beyond Death," which actually picks up after Book of Shadows and before the first sequel. "Beyond Death" appears in my fourth short-story book, Phantom World. Here, in a novel over 300 pages, we have the circumstances of their lives and how they died. When an Apostolic Pentecostal girl falls into witchery with mind powers, no one is safe and nothing is sacred. Kaiti won't be satisfied until she rules the world with witchcraft, telekinesis, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis and teleporting!  

You can bet my favorite horror movie is The Spell, which uses Satanism and telekinesis!

Enjoy, and happy Halloween!

Movie Review of Abigail

🪓🪓🪓🪓 out of 🪓🪓🪓🪓🪓 Abigail, a 2024 horror comedy (although I didn't get the comedic edge), was written by Stephen Shields and Ga...